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Sonic - le film

2020 • 98 minutes
467 avis

À propos de ce film

SONIC LE FILM est l’histoire du hérisson bleu le plus rapide du monde qui arrive sur Terre, sa nouvelle maison. Tout se passe à merveille jusqu'à ce qu'il provoque malencontreusement une panne de courant géante, attirant l'attention du méchant Robotnik (Jim Carrey). Un affrontement se prépare entre le hérisson et le scientifique machiavélique, bien déterminé à régner sur le monde entier. Dans cette comédie d’aventure familiale en live-action, Sonic et son nouveau meilleur ami Tom (James Marsden) le "seigneur des donuts", font équipe pour sauver la planète. L’humoriste et acteur Malik Bentalha prête sa voix au personnage mythique de la franchise de jeux vidéo SEGA.

Notes et avis

467 avis
Andrew O'Rourke
11 avril 2020
Went in expecting another mediocre video game movie but left the cinema feeling massively satisfied. An action packed funny charming adventure. Jim Carrey is a back to his old 90's self and Sonic looked exactly as he should and nothing like the original abomination they had planned. Great feel good family fun based on a gaming icon. 5 chilli dogs out of 5. Way past cool.
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19 février 2020
Grew up playing this game and when i heard the fact that it was coming to the big screen i was so hyped, i waited for i think 3 or 4 years since i heard they were producing this film and its now finally out, and it was worth the wait. As a sonic fan this film is very pleasing. I watched the film with my parents and i had a massive smile on my face for the whole movie. Absolutely enjoyed it to the max all the way through. Jim Carrey and James Marsden do a great job with their characters and are funny throughout the film. My parents are not gamers or fans of sonic but they too enjoyed the movie and thought it was decent. If you are a fan of sonic this movie is a must see, if your just looking for a fun family friendly film then this film is also a great choice. Please note that this film isnt breaking any boundries or anything like that, its just a fun feel good film that can please both sonic fans and casual veiwers.
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Nat Web
24 février 2020
This film is better than I was expecting, after the first design was shown I thought that it was just going to bomb like other video game movies but no, the movie is great the story doesn't break the mould but I think they made this story work. The little easter eggs in the film were amazing. The table sonic plays ping pong on is the sign for hill top zone from sonic 2, at the start of the film the creatures chasing sonic are the echidna tribe from sonic adventure 1. I a sonic fan give it a 👍
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