Source Code

2011年 • 93分
250 件のレビュー


A helicopter pilot recruited for a top-secret military operation finds himself on a startlingly different kind of mission in Source Code, a smart, fast-paced action thriller that challenges ourassumptions about time and space. Filled with mind-boggling twists and heart-pounding suspense, Source Code is directed by Duncan Jones (Moon). Captain Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) awakens on a speeding commuter train with no idea how he got there. Seated across from him is Christina (Michelle Monaghan), a woman he doesn't know, but who clearly believes she knows him. Seeking refuge in the bathroom, he's shocked to see another man's reflection in the mirror and ID cards in his wallet belonging to school teacher Sean Fentress. Suddenly a massive explosion rips through the train. Almost instantly, Colter is transported to a high-tech isolation unit where a uniformed woman named Goodwin (Vera Farmiga) demands to know everything he saw. Colter has been on a high-priority mission to identify a bomber who destroyed a train just hours earlier and who plans to kill thousands more with a much larger explosion in the heart of Chicago. A top-secret program, code-named 'source code', allows Colter to exist briefly as Sean in the parallel reality of the doomed commuter train. Each time he returns to the train, Colter has just eight minutes to uncover the bomber's identity. He gathers new bits of evidence each time, but his quarry eludes him. The more he learns, the more convinced he becomes that he can prevent the deadly blast from ever happening—unless time runs out first.


250 件のレビュー
Stillpool Monk
I've always liked sci-fi, and while this isn't very deep in terms of plot and science, there's enough to keep most sci-fi fans engaged I think. And it's cheap enough to rent to not be a great loss if you aren't impressed.
It was okay, but there were some holes in the theory I couldn't get past to enable me to be gripped and enjoy it. I know it's obviously a load of fiction, but there were some unnecessarily nonsensical bits that could have been easily resolved and would have made for a much more gripping watch.
Steve Surgenor
I "got it" right up until the last 5 minutes, now I'm not so sure, worth watching though.