Space Chimps

2008 • 81 minút
189 recenzií
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Tento film

When Ham III, the slacker grandson of NASA's legendary chimpanzee astronaut, is recruited to help retrieve a lost space probe, he has a close encounter of the hilarious kind as he teams up with the lovely Lieutenant Luna and their by-the-book commander, Titan. But when the ship crash-lands on a strange planet, the mismatched chimp crew must find a way to work together and save the mission without driving each another bananas!

Hodnotenia a recenzie

189 recenzií
Luis Cortes
8. augusta 2017
I dread the memory of this film, sorry to anyone who liked it. But my mind has reserved a place for only one space chimp, Captain Simeon and The Space Monkeys.
Používateľ služieb Google
27. júna 2017
Saw it while taking a dump and it is the most emotionally compelling film i have ever seen it changed me forever it hit me so hard that i had diarrhea for an entire year.
Isaac Parks
27. novembra 2016
4 laughs. That's all I got out of this movie. And they didn't Last for any longer than 5 seconds each.
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