Space MOMs

2021年 • 104 分鐘
522 則評論
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Space MOMs is an inspiring dramatization of Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) of India, told through the eyes of women engineers who helped make the mission a success. The heroines of Space MOMs are normal middle class moms who help their kids with their homework, split house chores with their husbands, care for their aging parents-- and who also happen to be rocket scientists working on a very prestigious mission for their country.


522 則評論
Deepak Kumaran
watched most of it mushy eyed. Thank you Radha for making a space movie that is so unabashedly Indian in spirit. Women don't have to forego their femininity to be successful. Men don't have to be be lesser human beings when they support women to be successful. You don't have to forego or insult your culture for scientific spirit. And you don't need pedigree to hope and dream. I wish mainstream (B/K/T/M)ollywoods understand this and take it to heart!
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Anubhav Srivastava
Inspirational, Relatable & Encouraging. Expression of Shaktitva. Do watch. This movie on 'Mars Orbiter Mission' shows role of Bharatiya Sanskriti in shaping minds of Scientists and Engineers working to make India & world a better place. Be proud of it. This movie is like MOM mission, i. e., successful in small budget. India needs more technological research and innovation. Bollywood must course correct itself from learning by this.
63 位使用者認為這則評論有幫助
Ramesh Ananta Vara
Very good. Must watch with family. Normal day to day troubles of ordinary people and families - kids, school, homework, kitchen, commute and in the middle of this, extraordinary achievements. How the entire country became a part of it. And how skeptics and cynics were silenced. Appears a little slow but must watch.
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