Stage Fright

2014 • 88 de minute
84 de recenzii
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Despre acest film

In this genre-bending "Glee"-meets-Rocky Horror musical comedy, a starry-eyed teenager (Allie MacDonald) wants to follow in her mother's (Minnie Driver) footsteps and become a Broadway diva; instead, she's stuck working in the kitchen of her step-father's (Meat Loaf Aday) snobby performing arts camp. Determined to change her destiny, she sneaks in to audition for the summer showcase landing the lead role. However, just as rehearsals begin, blood starts to spill, and Camilla finds herself terrorized by a homicidal masked killer.

Evaluări și recenzii

84 de recenzii
Harry Mcallister
4 aprilie 2014
It's a "Magnet" release film. Every single magnet films are incredible and hilarious and strange and incredibly written. I love you MAGNET! Keep making incredible movies. Oh and Sushi Girl is my life! Incredible magnet film:)
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Dan Shimkus (AgentDubleO7)
5 iulie 2014
I have never seen a horro movie done like this before it was both fun and original worth a look
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Linda Cutter
1 iulie 2014
I've already watched this one I don't no how meny times on the chiller channel its a good one that I'm gonna get I like it
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