Like Ya Cut G
Stalker isn't your run of the mill movie, especially by today standards. It's not a drama of bad guy vs good guy, finding true love, or anything of that sort. There is no real action, no over the top drama, no intense moments, no HUGE plot twists, it is simply cinematography and story telling at it's finest. Mystery is it's major selling point. The story, the mystery, and the cinematography is outstanding. If you're looking for a unique but typical sci-fi movie that we all know too well now a days, this may not be for you. It's VERY niche and appeals in an artistic fashion to many... ON a side note: If you're a STALKER game fan, then you will see where they got the inspiration for the game. Anomalies, the strange events with in the zone, the "Wish Granter, or The Room in this movie." The game does an excellent parallel with this beautiful movie.
18 people found this review helpful

Erwin Ilyasov
Stalker is not a movie for everyone. It is a movie about path, which leads to despair. Don't watch it, if you want cowabanga movie. Its deep as heck. If you didn't like it, then you didn't think about what happened in the movie. I watched it 5 times and always open something new for myself.