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Star Trek Into Darkness

2013年 • 132分
3350 件のレビュー
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When a ruthless mastermind, Khan (Benedict Cumberbatch,) declares a one-man war on the Federation, Captain Kirk (Chris Pine), Spock (Zachary Quinto), and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise set out on their most explosive manhunt of all time.


3350 件のレビュー
I like Star Trek movies, and was hopeful this would be another good one but sadly it was so lame. I cringed and wished I left the theatre about 2/3 through it. Not so much that the lead was a terrible replacement for Captain Kirk who had a certain manly quality, strength and looks. But SPOILER ALERT!! worse is when Kirk 'appears to be dying' and it's so overdramatic and heightened, but senseless. Of course we know he won't die or can't because then there's no more movies!! It was so obvious that it made for a weak plot line. Maybe with time I'd find it okay now, but originally NOT good for the viewer or the brand. Benedict added a great role in it though.
Aron Verheij
The story was there sort of. Benedict the guy who plays kahn was great. But the rest of it not so great. Sure the action was fine. But there were so many things that killed it. Like the arguing in the pod and miss Im just here because of boobs. So much useless assets
260 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Bruno Škvorc
The only reason why it avoided 1 star is because of Cumberbatch. At least the original star trek TRIED to get future physics right or at least shrouded them in enough mystery for us not to notice the hilarity, but with all the nonsense and explosions and these actors.. Argh.. this... This is "runway models... In space".
26 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました

