Star Trek Into Darkness

2013年 • 132 分鐘
3.8K 則評論


When a ruthless mastermind, Khan (Benedict Cumberbatch,) declares a one-man war on the Federation, Captain Kirk (Chris Pine), Spock (Zachary Quinto), and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise set out on their most explosive manhunt of all time.


3.8K 則評論
Suhaib Sufi (GraphicalRanger)
A mish mass of classic star trek ideas served up in a very bad way. No depth just lots of punches?! Really was this all they could do? The plot was a mess and Khan was totally wasted. The first film was better but even that wasn't great as that just some very annoyed and irrational miners. This was ridiculous lots of ideas done with no depth and massive lapses of logic. How anyone thinks this is great is beyond me.
10 人認為這篇評論有用
Tom Dennehy
I think this film is an offensive rip-off of Wrath of Khan, potentially my favourite film. The dialogue is forced, the plot unoriginal, all the characters act entirely out of character, the only character I found remotely belivable was Khan, but that only served to highlight the total inadequacy of the rest of the film. The actors can't be blamed, the script was just too aweful for any actor to salvage.
1 人認為這篇評論有用
Martyn Ormerod
I like the new cast & the new effects & general aesthetic of the new ST films, but this storyline was terrible. The only surprise was how much of an epic anti-climax it was. Khan could have been great in this Universe but he was given a boring predictable story. Looking forward to another one though because the ingredients are there!