Jon Brehm
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The best of the prequels, though that isn't saying much. Still, Episode 3
felt like a Star Wars movie, unlike Episodes 1 and 2... from the second the
scrolling text ends and the camera opens up on that amazing space battle,
through the creation of Darth Vader. The biggest problem with the prequels,
though, and which Episode 3 did not fix, was the abandonment of the fun
that was part if the original trilogy's DNA. The new trilogy, so far, as
got the fun back... I hope they keep it up for the last movie.

Magius Majere
The good things, like in the prior movies, remains the disjointed action scenes and CGI. The plot barely scrapes an OK this time. What kills it for me continues to be the terrible acting and bad dialog. There are actually some good ideas but the bad ones will simply pull you out. If all you are looking for are the action scenes and cheesy dialog/bad acting does not bother you, go ahead and watch. Otherwise, stay away. Only 10 and under need to apply.
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While this one is slightly better than Episode I & II. It is still a convoluted mess. Huge fight scene doesn't make up for the fact that they rushed Anakin's fall to the dark side. I really do wish Disney would call these non-canon and either remake a prequel series or just snub this one out of existence.
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