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Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

1999年 • 136分
1590 件のレビュー
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Experience the heroic action and unforgettable adventures of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. See the first fateful steps in the journey of Anakin Skywalker. Stranded on the desert planet Tatooine after rescuing young Queen Amidala from the impending invasion of Naboo, Jedi apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn discover nine-year-old Anakin, a young slave unusually strong in the Force. Anakin wins a thrilling Podrace and with it his freedom as he leaves his home to be trained as a Jedi. The heroes return to Naboo where Anakin and the Queen face massive invasion forces while the two Jedi contend with a deadly foe named Darth Maul. Only then do they realize the invasion is merely the first step in a sinister scheme by the re-emergent forces of darkness known as the Sith.


Deleted Scene: Trash-Talking Droids
As the Jedi arrive at the Naboo blockade, these trash-talking Trade Federation droids remark upon their presence.
Deleted Scene: Anakin's Scuffle with Greedo
Qui-Gon breaks up a fight between Anakin and Greedo.
Deleted Scene: Bail Organa of Alderaan
Adrian Dunbar was cast as Bail Organa for this brief appearance in Episode I. After the role was cut, the role was recast in Episode II with Jimmy Smits as Bail.
Deleted Scene: Complete Podrace Grid Sequence
The complete podrace grid sequence includes characters cut from the final version of Episode I.
Deleted Scene: Battle On The Boarding Ramp
Qui-Gon Jinn's escape from Darth Maul on Tatooine was not as easy in this first iteration, which has the duel continue aboard the fleeing Naboo starship.
Deleted Scene: Extended Podrace Lap Two
In the extended version of Lap Two of the podrace, watch salvage droids clean up a podracer wreck, Teetmo get hit in the face with a bug and Tusken Raiders shooting at Jawas.
Deleted Scene: The Waterfall Sequence
Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Jar Jar need to act fast when their inoperable bongo starts to go over a waterfall.
"The Beginning" Feature-Length Documentary
From preproduction, principal photography and postproduction to the opening night of Episode I, this documentary gives an insider's look into how one of the most anticipated movies ever was created.
The Podrace: Theatrical Edit
The original theatricial edit of the Episode I Podrace.
Deleted Scene: Anakin's Return
After destroying the Droid Control Ship, young Anakin returns his "borrowed" Naboo starfighter to a group of incredulous pilots.
Discoveries From Inside: Models & Miniatures
Steve Gawley and Lorne Peterson discuss how they created miniscule and massive models that became classic pieces of the Star Wars universe, plus, how emerging technology altered the course of the Millennium Falcon and the art of “painting with 3D parts.”
Conversations: Doug Chiang Looks Back
Design Director Doug Chiang provides a look at Star Wars conceptual drawings and models and reveals the lessons learned from George Lucas that helped him create some of cinema’s most lasting and iconic images.


1590 件のレビュー
This movie was amazing, people say it's bad for a few reasons but I didn't see many problems. I watch star wars like I read books and find it more entertaining. It was kinda boring at some parts but it's all part of the story, I just hate jar-jar binks for his voice and the outfit the princess is wearing.
jorge victor di primio
NO fue la mejor película de Star Wars pero bueno es la primera cronológicamente y se la recomiendo a cualquiera que comience a ver la saga de Star Wars eso sí, no les prometo que les guste
Rinaldi Syahrudin
Eh tolong dicek lagi narasi & sinopsis di film ini, masa ada Prabowo Anies amin Rais dan Ahmad dani, ini kan film star war bukan politik indonesia
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