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The movie spends the whole runtime trying to undo the mess made by Last Jedi. And canonizes yet another abusive relationship, justifying it because of a hasty, half-assed redemption arc, that was completely unearned. Disney has got to stop making Star Wars movies, as they have been largely ridiculous. Rogue one was the only new movie worth watching...
Ky koment ishte i dobishëm për 237 persona
Benediktus Endra Kristianto
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- Shfaq historikun e rishikimeve
Despite the confusing storyline and uncoherent return of the villain, this is still a fun and visually awesome movie to be enjoyed. It's better than TFA somehow (and also AOTC with its slow pacing to be honest), but the planning could be better than I expected. As every filmmaker knows, the last Star Wars would be controversial to its "fans" so don't mind the bullies.
Le-anne Pearl
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Best movie of all time i dont think the starwars will end if the francise end am to young if starwars will end please more starwars films But still greatest movie ever. Even am 14 still love starwars am still lot to learn dont even wacth the old But for me the best of best starwars is ledgendary👌💪💪🤘🏽🖖🏾