Star of Midnight

2013 • 89 minutes
28 avis
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À propos de ce film

Star of Midnight shines in the stylish tradition of Hollywood's Thin Man series, combining the spunk and sparkle of Ginger Rogers and the urbane sophistication of William Powell with gals, gangsters, Broadway and banter to shape a classic '30s whodunit.

Powell is a debonair lawyer suspected in the murder of a nosy newspaper columnist. Aided by classy, sassy, marriage-minded Rogers, he untangles the Manhattan maze of double-crosses, disguises and misdirections without disarranging his dinner jacket -- or bruising his gin. Martinis all around if you solve the mystery first!

Notes et avis

28 avis
10 sánzá ya yambo 2016
Really 14.99 to own that's ridiculous. Reason number one I'll stick to dvds
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