Stargate Origins: Catherine

2018年 • 104 分鐘
128 則評論
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In 1939, Professor Paul Langford and his daughter Catherine are still grappling with the mysteries of the ancient relic they discovered in the Egyptian desert more than ten years ago. With war looming in Europe and funding running out, these brilliant minds are approaching their lowest ebb. Little do they know, answers are about to present themselves in a dangerous form, when the Nazi Occultist Dr. Wilhelm Brücke approaches their facility with a sinister motive. Enlisting the help of two young soldiers, Catherine must use all of her wit and nous as she and her new allies embark on an adventure into the unknown to rescue her father, and save the Earth from an unimaginable darkness.


128 則評論
Jeffrey Price
This movie is an insult to the original Stargate movie and SG1 and SG Atlantis series. The plot is thin. Acting bad. Sets and scenes terrible. Camera work fine. I don't think any of the original series episodes, were ever this bad What I hoped would open a door into a new realm of Stargate series, has put the final nail in the coffin. Disappointment from a old long lasting SG fan. Sorry people, not sure what you were aiming for here but I would not attribute this movie to Stargate. It's a bad knockoff
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Lindsay Wright
I was an avid fan of the original Stargate and watched all the movies and TV series several times. I was excited to see this movie had been made. That excitement turned to horror a few minutes into this farce. The plot was weak, the acting amateurish, and the stupid forced humour cringe worthy. Pity I can't get a refund. Now I'm off to rewatch some of the proper Stargate to get this thing out of my head.
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Paul Matthews
Loved it! Its a prequel to the original Stargate movie. It was good. Only down side to it was the one german solder that acted silly, i felt that type of thing/acting does not go with this type of movie. But other that that i loved it and want more 😊
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