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Staying Alive

1983 • 96 daqiqa
13 ta sharh
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Staying Alives takes Saturday Night Fever's Tony Manero out of Brooklyn to Broadway. As a wannabe dancer struggling to make it on the stage, John Travolta is at his sexy, sizzling best. Girl-next-door Cynthia Rhodes (Flashdance, Dirty Dancing) and vampy Finola Hughes (General Hospital, All My Children) compete for Tony's heart. Co-written and directed by superstar Sylvester Stallone, Staying Alive features an electrifying Bee Gees soundtrack and some of the most memorable dance sequences ever staged on screen.
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13 ta sharh
mark smith
29-iyul, 2019
so what you going to do Mikey ? I'm going to strutt. great film I think
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Jason Daniel
17-may, 2016
I love looking at the rotten tomatoes pseudo intellectual critique…. Twats
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* Skid & Pump *
11-yanvar, 2019
Awesome!!! So Underestimated! its a xmas movie too 🎅
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