Step Brothers

2008 • 97 minutos
1870 recensións
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Acerca desta película

Brennan Huff is a sporadically employed thirty-nine-year-old who lives with his mother, Nancy. Dale Doback is a terminally unemployed forty-year-old who lives with his father, Robert. When Robert and Nancy marry and move in together, Brennan and Dale are forced to live with each other as step brothers. As their narcissism and downright aggressive laziness threaten to tear the family apart, these two middle-aged, immature, overgrown boys will orchestrate an insane, elaborate plan to bring their parents back together. To pull it off, they must form an unlikely bond that maybe, just maybe, will finally get them out of the house. © 2008 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. and Beverly Blvd LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Valoracións e recensións

1870 recensións
Beverly Beam
23 de xuño de 2015
While I adore this duo and their humor together, this one was not my favorite. Don't get me wrong, there were some real good humor in this flick, but it got a bit boring. LUV these guys together though!!!
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Adam Bostick
20 de decembro de 2015
I think it is worth watching but as far as buying it I would pass it up unless I could buy it for few bucks just to watch and put in collection for another watch in the future years to come!
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Santiago Diaz
11 de novembro de 2016
I have seen this movie at least 6 times and I still laugh from the performances and the gags. Don't want to throw in spoilers but see it you will laugh and probably want to see it again.
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