Step Up

2006. • 103 perc
1,09 E vélemény
Szülői felügyelet nélkül csak 13 év felettieknek
Böngészőben vagy támogatott eszközökön nézheted meg További információ
Sem hangsáv, sem felirat nem áll rendelkezésre a nyelveden. A következő nyelveken áll rendelkezésre felirat: angol.

A filmről

Incredible dancing and awesome music fuel STEP UP, the exhilarating and inspiring movie starring Channing Tatum who sizzles as Tyler Gage, a rough and streetwise hunk with raw talent. When Tyler finds himself doing community service at a school for the performing arts, he also finds Nora, a beautiful and privileged classically trained dancer who's searching for a temporary replacement for her injured dance partner. Spying Tyler's smooth moves, Nora decides to take a chance on him. But as they begin training, tension builds, tempers flare and the differences in their backgrounds explode -- igniting this electrifying tale about not giving up on your dreams.
Szülői felügyelet nélkül csak 13 év felettieknek

Értékelések és vélemények

1,09 E vélemény
Meredith Boatwright
2016. március 10.
The first one stars Tatum as Tyler Gage, a youth who is forced to perform a community service at the Maryland School of the Arts as a temporary custodian because of what his gang members did, which was vandalize school property! He filled in as a certain girl's dance partner because her own partner hurt himself and couldn't dance , but when the Senior Showcase was finally here, Tyler came through with flying colors and stole the show with his combination of ballet, contemporary, and his own Street style of hip hop!
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Spring Larkin
2016. december 28.
I didn't expect to enjoy this movie as much as I did. I took a chance on it because I love dancing. There are several dance-centered films I love ( Strictly Ballroom, for instance). I found Step Up to have a touching story, music that fit the various scenes, and wonderful choreography. I think it is well worth watching, especially for people who love dancing.
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Glenn Canady
2016. május 10.
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