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Steve Jobs

2015年 • 122分
253 件のレビュー
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Witness the founder of Apple like never before. Steve Jobs paints an intimate portrait of the brilliant man at the epicenter of the digital revolution, backstage in the final minutes before three iconic product launches. Directed by Academy Award-winner Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire), written by Academy Award-winner Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network) and starring Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet, Seth Rogen and Jeff Daniels.(Original Title - Steve Jobs) - 2015 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.


253 件のレビュー
Interesting play which largely revolves around Job's complicated relationship with his daughter. Its well acted. I was a huge fan of the early Mac & NEXT computer. I remember endlessly rereading the specs of the NEXT computer. When I did manage to buy an overpriced Mac IIsi, I found it was under powered and a disappointment; jobs had left the helm when the IIsi was released. I lost interest after that. A bit like most music bands the later Apple products became too commercial. I was sad when he passed away, it was an end of an era.
Afz2 C
This is an amazing drama. One of the best movies I've ever seen. The acting is superb. It shows the genius and flaws of Steve Jobs and the rise of Apple in a dog eat dog world. On his journey to greatness Jobs damages friends, relations and colleagues around him. His quest for perfection is at the expense of values of human decency and compassion for others. But you can forgive Jobs because he had little idea of the pain he caused to his trail of casualties.
Aimée Ganly
It didn't have the full story, in the other film "Jobs", it showed how Steve argued with Bill Gates and how he was a hippie in university and you get the full picture of Jobs and Woz building a computer together. I'm happy for this because it reveals the relationship with his first child, his daughter Lisa. I think they should of put the "full" story in the movie and Ashton Kutcher has a remarkable resemblance to the young Steve Jobs so they should of had him play the young Steve Jobs.

