Still Alice

2015 • 101 minút
1,21 tis. recenzií
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Tento film

Alice Howland (Julianne Moore), happily married with three grown children, is a renowned linguistics professor who starts to forget words. When she receives a diagnosis of Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease, Alice and her family find their bonds thoroughly tested. Her struggle to stay connected to who she once was is frightening, heartbreaking, and inspiring. Also starring Kristen Stewart, Kate Bosworth, Alec Baldwin and Hunter Parrish.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

1,21 tis. recenzií
Kathy Sitzler
13. júla 2015
Ms. Moore does an incredible job playing the part of a very intelligent professor,mom and loving wife who at a much too early age finds out she has a disease that affects her brain, and has no cure. Based on the book, Ms Moore and the sensational supporting cast does the book justice, and in my opinion is better. She was up for an Oscar in 2014 for her performance and while she didn't win, she certainly was more than worthy. Really a must see but be advised, most men wouldn't appreciate this movie.
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Christi Nash
16. mája 2015
But I'm getting annoyed at the people spreading misinformation in the comments, early onset alzheimer's is actually very rare and has a genetic cause. The reason why the regular over 65 form of alzheimer's is becoming more common is because more people are living longer. People are out living their brains, especially when they lead sedentary lives it hastens it along. People used to die on average at a younger age.
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4. júla 2017
I saw this when it came to rental, and I cried my eyes out. About two years later now, my mother has been diagnosed with Parkinson's. It's not early onset, but it's Parkinson's nonetheless. I am her caregiver, plus I am battling Multiple Sclerosis. EVERYONE needs to see this film.
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