Storm Boy

2018. • 98 minuta
2 recenzije
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O ovom filmu

Based on the bestselling novel by Colin Thiele, Storm Boy is a timeless tale of an unusual and unconditional friendship. When Michael Kingley (Geoffrey Rush) starts to see images from his past that he can't explain, he is forced to remember his long-forgotten childhood, growing up on an isolated coastline with his father. He recounts to his granddaughter the story of how, as a boy, he rescued and raised an extraordinary orphaned pelican named Mr. Percival, and how the two set out on remarkable adventures forming an unlikely bond .

Ocene i recenzije

2 recenzije
Jan Patterson
2. avgust 2019.
Lovely movie.Very pleased2have it in my of those 'warm fuzzies' that make the world a nicer place 2live in.