Stuck On You

2004 • 118 minút
8 recenzií
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Tento film

Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear star in this delightfully demented comedy from the inseparable Farrelly Brothers (Shallow Hal, There's Something About Mary). Conjoin the fun with Bob (Damon) and Walt (Kinnear) Tenor, two brothers who share a passion for life — and a liver. But their unique bond leads to wild complications when Walt decides to pursue his dreams of becoming an actor and persuades his reluctant sibling to go along for the ride! Loaded with over-the-top humor and outrageous antics, Stuck On You will leave you beside yourself with laughter!

Hodnotenia a recenzie

8 recenzií
Carl McPherson
7. marca 2014
Like this film. Not the best but good story with funny banter between the conjoined (not Siamese) characters. Nice easy watch