
2017年 • 105 分钟
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From director George Clooney, the small idyllic town of Suburbicon is the perfect place for Gardner Lodge (Academy Award® winner Matt Damon) to make a home. But beneath this tranquil surface lies a disturbing reality, where nothing is as it seems. When a break-in leads to the shocking murder of his wife, Gardner must navigate the town’s underbelly of deceit and violence to protect his family from further harm. Academy Award® winner Julianne Moore and Oscar Isaac also star in this darkly comedic, suspenseful thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end.


Zachary Kay
Look, I understand that white people used to be racist and racism did happen in mass during essentially all eras leading up to, I would say, Vietnam. But I personally thought this was an excellent movie that may not be a comedy but still manages to be a good, somewhat funny movie. I think we all need to shut up about this whole racism thing. Never gonna stop if people keep talking about it and bringing it up. I happen to be white, that doesn't make me racist for something that my ancestors did. By the way, only about 3.5% of all current white people's ancestors were actually slave owners. Stop talking about it please, and enjoy this movie that, yes, portrays racism in the 50s, but also happens to be a really good movie. Just not a full on comedy.
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Amanda Walker
This movie has a few spots of comedy to lighten things up a bit. Matt Damon, as usual, embraces the challenge of playing a character type that is out of the box for him. For those of you complaining about the racism undertones, the movie did a portray an accurate depiction for that particular era. It can be tough to watch, but that is how things were at the time, it is truth. Suburbicon fantastically conveys the message of how cookie cutter suburbia IS a con. The population in general for many decades, but particularily during the 1950's, tends to view American suburbia as houses full of perfect people, living the perfect happy consumer life. Suburbicon poetically shows us the fallicy in that kind of thinking and reminds us that suburbia is anything BUT perfect!
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Its a dark comedy. its not O'Brother funny, but the humorous irony is present. The movie is not about racism. The racist whites in the movie are a tool to contrast how true evil exist. Sometimes next door and because we have made up our minds that someone like us cant be evil and it is Those people, we miss or (maybe) excuse thier sins (hypocrisy)!