Summer of 84

2018 • 105 минут
73 шүүмж
Веб хөтөч эсвэл дэмждэг төхөөрөмж дээр үзнэ үү Нэмэлт мэдээлэл авах
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It’s the summer of 1984, the perfect time to be 15 years old and free. But when neighborhood conspiracy theorist Davey Armstrong begins to suspect his police officer neighbor might be the serial killer all over the local news, he and his three best friends begin an investigation that soon turns dangerous.

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73 шүүмж
Matt Eikamp
2023 оны дөрөвдүгээр сарын 29
As someone who was born after the 80s, I think a lot of the super-positive reviews here are the result of heavy 80s nostalgia. If you put that nostalgia aside, this is an okay movie, nothing new or thought-provoking. The humor and acting are enjoyable. The plot is formulaic and anti-climactic. And it's yet another movie with Rich Sommer, who I don't find very convincing in a "crazed villain" role.
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Rochelle Sassbug
2019 оны долоодугаар сарын 8
Good premise, badly executed. talky, attempts at character development too late. no real reason to set in 80's, too stuffed with unnecessary 80's references/cliches, synth score, even trying to make one of the characters knockoff Corey Feldman. also packed with every teenage boy cliche. and if you're going to set your movie in the 80's, don't miss the details (no one said "ginger kid" then, for example.) the big kid should've been the hero. he was the only likeable character.
3 хүн энэ шүүмжийг хэрэгтэй гэж үзсэн
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Jamie Gibbs
2019 оны есдүгээр сарын 7
'Summer of 84' was unexpectedly good and pretty spot on with its portrayls of the 80s teens. This was perfectly cast and acted imo. This movie gets the kids right! The story is just ok though, I wish they had put these awesome characters in more of an adventure or at least in more peril. The modern synthcore music, while not entirely historically accurate, is still very awesome.80s movie lovers will hear lots of familiar themes while watching. The ending sucked but overall, rad movie👍
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