Super High Me

2008 • 90 minút
100 recenzií
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Tento film

Comedian and former Stoner of the Year, Doug Benson, brings you a hilarious documentary, Super High Me. While smoking marijuana for 30 days, he endures medical, IQ, and psychic evaluations providing unexpected results. Along the way Doug performs across the country and hangs with fellow notable comedians— creating an entertaining look at a controversial subject.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

100 recenzií
Dan Pham
26. decembra 2013
They do a great job of showcasing one comedian's "Super Size Me"esque descent into stonerdom, showcasing the effects marijuana has on its heavy users and also the conflicts between federal and state law.
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13. júla 2012
And understood. The documentary was to show the difference between smoking and not. Its not meant to be completely serious he's a comedian who wanted to prove a point, not a political activist trying to legalize marijuana. It was a great documentary and is worth watching.
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26. júna 2012
Not so smart stoner attempting to legitimize his existance. Fake movies rip off of a really good movie...
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