Supergirl (1984)

1984 • 124 минут
72 пікір
Браузерден немесе қолдайтын құрылғылардан көріңіз Толығырақ
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Осы фильм туралы ақпарат

After a power source for the community of Krypton survivors is accidentally whisked to earth, Kara-El, cousin to Superman and niece to Jor-El, chooses to go to earth.

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72 пікір
2017 ж. 4 ақпан
I grew up with Superman and Supergirl as a kid :) Yes the special effects are dated. But, for 1984 it was revolutionary compared to superman. Helen Slater as Supergirl is spot on. People complain about her character being dumbstruck, it's not that at all. Don't forget Superman was sent to earth as a baby so he learnt through school...Etc. Supergirl arrived as a teenager so has to quickly learn things on the fly. This is why she comes across as a bit naive/stupid. All in all though I still love this film as it's a film in its own right, stop thinking about Superman and just enjoy this film.
Peter Watts
2016 ж. 7 сәуір
As with all Super Hero films pre Xmen in 2000. You have to watch this knowing that the effects of the time have dated. Unlike the overly padded out and quick cuts of today's films this 80's movie has heart and doesn't overstay it's welcome.
jonatahan jones
2019 ж. 7 қараша
Actually love this film my year born i watched this 1988 first superman 1970s first then watched supergirl fell inlove with straight away .yes i do great memory over 30s years ago