Superhero Movie

2008 • 81 минут
708 шүүмж
Веб хөтөч эсвэл дэмждэг төхөөрөмж дээр үзнэ үү Нэмэлт мэдээлэл авах
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Super is as super does: Finally, the guys behind the outrageously silly "Scary Movie" franchise have used their own 'special powers' to spoof superhero movies. After being bitten by a genetically altered dragonfly, high school loser Rick Riker develop superhuman abilities like incredible strength and armored skin. Rick decides to use his new powers for good and becomes a costumed crime fighter known as "The Dragonfly." However, standing in the way of his destiny is the villainous Lou Landers. After an experiment gone wrong, Lou develops the power to steal a person's life force and in a dastardly quest for immortality becomes the supervillain, "The Hourglass." With unimaginable strength, unbelievable speed and deeply uncomfortable tights, will the Dragonfly be able to stop the sands of The Hourglass and save the world? More importantly, will we stop laughing long enough to notice?
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708 шүүмж
Jared Williss
2016 оны наймдугаар сарын 5
In the last 30 years or so there have been a couple of great parodies. Airplane, Police Squad and the Scary Movie with David Cross and Chris Elliott were all super funny. But since those were released, all of them have sucked. It's as though they put zero effort into them, other than a blueprint, of what kind of movie they want a parody and then write a bunch of stupid jokes that will be dated within 5 years. Seriously, these guys must benefit from nepotism because there is just no other explanation.
7 хүн энэ шүүмжийг хэрэгтэй гэж үзсэн
Junior E&V
2015 оны долоодугаар сарын 30
This movie is funny by 5/5 the jokes are hilarious and good making a parody of SpiderMan,Xmen, and Fantastic Four thank god this is not a Jason frieberg and Aaron Seltzer Movie
Edwin Hernandez
2015 оны гуравдугаар сарын 12
I cant wach it i hear the sound but cant see it my phone has never done this i wish i could have my money back
9 хүн энэ шүүмжийг хэрэгтэй гэж үзсэн