Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut

2006 • 115 minuts
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L'àudio i els subtítols no estan disponibles en el teu idioma. Els subtítols estan disponibles en alemany, anglès, cantonès, danès, eslovè, espanyol (Amèrica Llatina), estonià, finès, francès (França), grec, hongarès, indonesi, italià, letó, lituà, neerlandès, noruec, polonès, portuguès (Brasil), portuguès (Portugal), rus, suec, tai, turc, txec, ucraïnès, xinès (simplificat) i xinès (tradicional).

Sobre aquesta pel·lícula

It's the version you've never seen. Finally released as visionary director Richard Donner originally conceived and intended, Superman II: The Richard Donner Director's Cut is a reedited rendering of the legendary superhero film that closely follows the original script and restores the lost footage originally shot by Donner in 1977 before he was taken off the project. Among the fascinating new elements in the director's cut are the original opening and ending, alternate takes and camera angles and deleted scenes featuring Marlon Brando. In the blockbuster sequel, Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman, and Margot Kidder return as Superman confronts three supercriminals with abilities equal to his. The Kryptonian threesome arrives just as Superman is preparing to exchange his powers for a romantic relationship with Lois Lane.