Superman: Man of Tomorrow

2020 • 86 minút
25 recenzií
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Tento film

Meet Clark Kent. Sent to Earth as an infant from the dying planet Krypton, he arrived with as many questions as the number of light-years he traveled. Now a young man, he makes his living in Metropolis as an intern at the Daily Planet – alongside reporter Lois Lane – while secretly wielding his alien powers of flight, super-strength and x-ray vision in the battle for good. Follow the fledgling hero as he engages in bloody battles with intergalactic bounty hunter Lobo and before fighting for his life with the alien Parasite. The world will learn about Superman…but first, Superman must save the world!

Hodnotenia a recenzie

25 recenzií
David Quijano
23. septembra 2020
Alam nyo puro kayo hingi ng libre . O discount . Kaya di umuunlad ang mamamyan ng pilipinas dahil ganyan ang mga mindset nyo puro kayo hingi.
39 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
Paul Vince Mendoza
26. marca 2022
Napanood Kopo sya maganda galing para justice society world war II
16. septembra 2020
ganda sana kaso walang pambayad dapat 100 nalang mga ganyan para samin para maipanood sa kapatid o bunso eh😕
38 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú