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Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street

2007 • 116 daqiqa
9 ta sharh
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: bolgar, chex, dan, estoncha, fincha, fransuzcha, grek, indonez, inglizcha, ispancha, ispancha (Lotin Amerikasi), italyan, ivrit, kanton, koreyscha, latishcha, litva, malay, nemischa, niderland (Niderlandiya), norveg, polyakcha, portugalcha, portugalcha (Braziliya), ruscha, shved, slovencha, tay, turk, ukrain, venger va xitoy (soddalashgan).

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Johnny Depp and director Tim Burton reteam following their worldwide blockbuster Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to bring a Broadway masterpiece to the big screen--Stephen Sondheim's Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. Based on true events, this darkly comic musical tale tells the story of London barber Benjamin Barker (Depp-- Finding Neverland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ) unjustly sentenced to a prison term in Australia by a judge who covets Barker's wife. When Barker returns to England, he takes up his former profession, using the name Sweeney Todd--and slits the throats of customers who come into his shop. Now, while Sweeney confronts the problem of accumulating corpses, a local businesswoman finds a novel and enterprising use for the bodies...a bloody business that profits them both. Stephen Sondheim's Broadway musical is based on the book Sweeney Todd by Christopher Wood and the play Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street by Christopher Bond.
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9 ta sharh
Rex Freeman
26-dekabr, 2021
A terrible film...did I mention it's a musical?!? Ugh.
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32USD Paul
19-aprel, 2019
trailer tells everything. classy!
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Lumane Saint-Hilaire
31-iyul, 2019
la destin noire
9 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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