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T2: Trainspotting

2017 • 117 daqiqa
428 ta sharh
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: dan, fincha, inglizcha, inglizcha (Buyuk Britaniya), norveg, polyakcha, shved, slovencha, tay, turk, xitoy (Gonkong), xitoy (anʼanaviy) va xitoy (soddalashgan).

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Sequel to the seminal 1996 film.

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428 ta sharh
Flavio Crippa
16-avgust, 2017
Sres de Google, alquilé esta película y la misma no tiene posibilidad de activar los subtitulos en español, quisiera obtener el reembolso de la misma pero con las instrucciones de las Ayudas me es imposible, quisiera saber como gestionarlo. Muchas gracias Flavio Crippa
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Martin Emerson
29-iyun, 2017
Me gusto, no se parece en nada a la de 1976 y eso es bueno por q no queremos mas de lo mismo, pienso que los personajes estan mucho mas maduros y trabajados. Recomiendo q vean las 2 juntas.
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Google foydalanuvchisi
26-iyul, 2017
It's about growing up and letting go...Though most people do that for some odd reason. For me, it reminds me to be grateful for what I have, for what I was able to let go off...old friends, old drama, old B.S.--if you can let go, and you are happy with your life years on then this movie is for you. This movie is for those moments when you have doubts about yourself, when you start to forget how bad it all once was. It's about moving forward and living life, not letting take you for a ride, but rather taking the reins. It's also about learning whom to keep...It totally made me feel better after watching it.
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