Teen Titans Go! Vs. Teen Titans

2019. • 77 минута
129 рецензија
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Звук и титлови на вашем језику нису доступни. Титлови су доступни на следећим језицима: арапски, енглески, италијански, немачки, португалски (Бразил), португалски (Португалија), француски (Француска), холандски и шпански (Латинска Америка).

О овом филму

Earths collide when the mysterious “Master of Games” appears over Titans Tower and throws the Teen Titans in a fight against their taller, more serious selves. Now, our heroes must set aside their differences and work together to stop him. It’s a crisis of multiverse proportions that will take nothing less than two versions of the Teen Titans to solve!

Оцене и рецензије

129 рецензија
15. новембар 2020.
As a big fan of the original series (it was a key part of my teenage years), and not so much of a fan of TTG, I thought this was actually a pretty fun movie that took advantage of the longer run time in order to pace the humor while also touching upon the original series' spirit. This was an enjoyable crossover, honestly. I might actually buy a copy for keeps.
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O Pont
26. септембар 2021.
8/10. Why did they cancel teen titans? It confuses me and every human in the world. But this film is great, the teen titans are awesome like always, and the teen titans go are... less annoying I guess. Overall its a fun short film that us worth a watch if you want to see the teen titans one more time.
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Brad Lewin
30. новембар 2019.
Expected more of a balance between the two shows. This is basically a teen titans go episode where the teen titans from the first animated series appear. My perspective is if you love teen titans go, you will likely love this. If you are a fan of the original series and are just mediocre on the go team (like me) it will likely be a mediocre plus experience with a handful of fun moments.
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