
2014 • 77 minút
20 recenzií
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Tento film

Teenagers didn't always exist. They had to be invented. As the cultural landscape around the world was thrown into turmoil during the industrial revolution, and with a chasm erupting between adults and youth, the concept of a new generation took shape. Whether in America, England, or Germany, whether party-crazed Flappers or hip Swing Kids, zealous Nazi Youth or frenzied Sub-Debs, it didn't matter - this was a new idea of youth. They were all "Teenagers."

Hodnotenia a recenzie

20 recenzií
18. septembra 2014
I've been a teenager, had 11 brothers and sisters go through it before me and am beginning to raise my 4th one. Never in all my years nor the years told by my mother before me did I see or hear of such a group of people as this docu-dribble tries to portray. It was actually the worst film of all time. I always though of Meet the Tennenbaums at the #1 lousy movie slot, but this movie takes worst film by a LANDSLIDE. GOOD ONLY FOR BURNING AT A LANDFILL.
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David Simonis
30. júla 2014
The pacing of this documentary was perfect, for sleep inducement. I wanted to like this film. Adolescence is a fascinating period of life, and its history and evolution should be documented for folks to better understand. But, it should be documented in a way that engages the viewer and keeps him or her interested - not dozing off.
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