
2020 • 150 Minuten
1400 Rezensionen
PG-13 (freigegeben ab 13 Jahren)
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Über diesen Film

Nur mit einem einzigen Wort bewaffnet – Tenet – taucht der Protagonist im Kampf um das Fortbestehen der Menschheit in die zwielichtige Welt internationaler Spionage ein. Seine Mission? Völlig von der Zeit losgelöst.
PG-13 (freigegeben ab 13 Jahren)

Bewertungen und Rezensionen

1400 Rezensionen
Cranton Roconoff
29. Dezember 2020
The most amazing spy film ever. The idea of reversed time is never used in sci fie. And I think it's been used in the best way it could. If we never had this pandemic it would have gotten a 10 out of ten on google. The thing is that most movie watchers don't us such a complicated plot. This movie easily dwarfs inception's complexity by the fact that the movie has two sides to follow; the inverted (reversed) side and the normal moving side. And it can a bit um, TRICKY trying to figure out how it all works. And the idea of reversed time can give movie writers opportunities to intertwine events in the beginning with the end. What you get is a complex James bond film. And you have to give Mr. Nolan some credit even if you didn't like it because how much of a masterpiece the writing on this was. So I short this was a movie that could have an effect on how spy films may turn into in the future. If you walked out of the movie theater confused, here is some advice: watch the movie agian. Usually you don't know what to look out for. So once you what's going to happen then pay attention to the dialogue and the details then you will probably understand what was actually going on. And just for some philosophical fun ask yourself what did Neal mean when he said " for you a beginning of a long freindship,but for me, the end of one. "
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leonard fetzer
26. Jänner 2021
Smarmy, cliche ridden dialogue infests this overblown self indulgence of Christopher Nolan's ego.Don't get me wrong, I loved most of his previous films. But Come on! This movie made less sense then inception. Inverted heat or explosions will not reverse to freezing, only a return to it's original chemistry. Gases, alcohol or anything would return to it's inert state.under inversion. The film is riddled with bad science, impossible paradoxes and Hey! Not to mention, where did all the extra version's of inverted characters go? I know some die, but not all. We already have a population growth problem, do we really need more inverted copies. That! My Friends is what will cause our extinction. Luckily I paid only a buck 'fity for this "Movie" the fight scenes were worth that much. OH! And by the way. Can we stop the unending propaganda that we HAVE to always be at War! Cold, Hot or any other sort. This film is like our Government, extremely over complicated in order to hide it's serious flaws. Just say no to this bull. Thank you for your interest. Peace!
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Indraneel Kasmalkar
3. Oktober 2021
It's not a good film. This movie is not about time travel, but time reversal. Generally, Nolan is known for being true to the science, at least in some self-consistent way. But this was just very sloppy in my opinion, with priority given to cool plot-lines over the underlying soundness. Worse that that, the characters seem to have no emotional response to the idea of time reversal. They just take it in as if it's something they do everyday. It's impossible to feel emotionally involved with the movie with that kind of approach. Everything was just too stretched, all in the service of having some cool scenes where people traveling forward in time are fighting people traveling backward in time.
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