maria mema
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I found the book amazing, but the movie is bad. It totally missed the point of the book and they left out the most important parts. It doesn't portray the Others as bad as they are. It doesn't build up tension well.The acting was terrible. Cassie seems like a whiney little girl while in the book she is badass. They could have made this movie so much better...If you watched the movie and didn't like it, I recomend you the book. It's totally different and worth reading^^
13 лицa сметаат дека рецензијава е корисна
Just Visiting
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Kids with guns. Fighting aliens that we never see, because they've taken the human form. It's all done in an atmosphere (almost) of a summer camp. Half-way into this film, you'll have no other choice but to become a traitor to the human race and hope for a swift victory by the aliens. The faster the fifth wave will come, the faster the movie will end. I would even give the aliens a tip: go straight to Hollywood and destroy the studio responsible for this piece of garbage.
5 лицa сметаат дека рецензијава е корисна
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Totally unlike the book. Through the entire thing you're confused at the fragmented appearance, which worked in the book but the directors should have taken a different approach for the movie. Acting is terrible, visual effects are terrible, and the actual storyline takes forever to begin. Little action, and the fight scenes that do happen are less than mediocre. Not worth 2 hours of your time.