The Accountant

2016 • 127 minút
34 recenzií
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Tento film

Christian Wolff (Ben Affleck) is a math savant with more affinity for numbers than people. Behind the cover of a small-town CPA office, he works as a freelance accountant for some of the world’s most dangerous criminal organizations. With the Treasury Department’s Crime Enforcement Division, run by Ray King (J.K. Simmons), starting to close in, Christian takes on a legitimate client: a state-of-the-art robotics company where an accounting clerk (Anna Kendrick) has discovered a discrepancy involving millions of dollars. But as Christian uncooks the books and gets closer to the truth, it is the body count that starts to rise.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

34 recenzií
Kent Davis
20. januára 2024
Enjoyed it! Great movie! Excellent plot and story line. Had some trepidation due to a lot of movies out that aren't good, but this one was excellent.
Bolo to užitočné?
Carol Langley
8. júna 2022
Great movie, B.A. was fabulous, kept me glued to it.
Bolo to užitočné?
Michael Wierzbicki
4. júna 2022
Great thriller and keeps one watching
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