The Addams Family

1991 • 99 минут
882 пікір
Браузерден немесе қолдайтын құрылғылардан көріңіз Толығырақ
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Come join The Addams Family for the most hilarious scarefest of this season or any other! When long-lost Uncle Fester (Christopher Lloyd) reappears after twenty-five years in the Bermuda Triangle, Gomez (Raul Julia) and Morticia (Anjelica Huston) plan a celebration to wake the dead. But Wednesday (Christina Ricci) barely has time to warm up her electric chair before Thing points out Fester's uncommonly"normal" behavior. Could this Fester be a fake, part of an evil scheme to raid the Addams fortune?

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882 пікір
gianni the angel
2017 ж. 14 қаңтар
Oh. my. effing. god. I LOVE THIS MOVIE. It's dark and macabre but at the same time it's funny as hell. THE ACTORS KILLED THEIR PARTS. My favorite character is Wednesday. She was HILARIOUS. Christina Ricci MURDERED the role of Wednesday. Raul Julia slayed as Gomez as well as Anjelica Huston as Morticia. And who could forget Christopher Lloyd as Uncle Fester??? Trust me, the movie is WAAAAY better than the tv show. Its worth every penny, man.
Бұл пікір 69 адамға пайдалы болды.
Sabrina Quick
2020 ж. 31 қаңтар
It's one of the best movies to compare to the series. So very funny. The cast is amazing! You've got to have an open mind. To enjoy it. I love the old television series. So I have a pretty good idea as to how they compare. Great watch!
MerryWeasel Ride0back
2018 ж. 19 желтоқсан
Agelica is most sublime of all Morticias. Perfect cast w all those creepy cooky spooky notes hit w precision & pre-Goth aplomb. A favorite!!
Бұл пікір 5 адамға пайдалы болды.