The Armstrong Lie

2013年 • 123 分钟
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Lance Armstrong was considered one of the greatest sports figures of all time and put competitive cycling into the global spotlight, by beating cancer and winning the Tour de France seven times. That success earned him an immense fortune and worldwide fame. His was also one of the most influential and inspiring sports stories of recent memory and became a pop culture phenomenon, thanks to his Livestrong initiative. Beginning in 2009, Academy Award winning documentarian Alex Gibney followed Armstrong for four years chronicling his return to cycling after retirement, as he tried to win his eighth title. Unexpectedly, Gibney was also there in 2012 when Armstrong admitted to doping, following a federal criminal investigation, public accusations of doping by his ex-teammates, and an investigation by the US Anti-Doping Agency, that led USADA's CEO, Travis Tygart, to conclude that Armstrong's team had run 'the most sophisticated, professionalized and successful doping program that sport has ever seen.


Jeff Shellow
Did he lie.. Of course. Did he win Tour de France 7 times? YOU BET HE DID, and more so he did it after late wide spread cancer and with one testicle ( responsible for most of the production of testosterone) Did he dope yes.. And so did virtually every other competitor making it an even field.. SAVE FOR THE FACT THAT HE STARTED AND WORK WITH A DEFICIT! DON'T BAN HIM FOR LIFE! Think about the celebrities we revere, now think about what this man has accomplished..If you fault him, also acknowledge this!
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Hannah Thomas
This documentary is fair in showing Armstrongs character. It showed the psychology behind the monster and what made him. The purpose wasn't to just show the cheater, because in all honesty everyone was cheating, if you weren't cheating you weren't in the top, but it was to show that he lied on a much larger scale than anyone else. Lance manipulated everyone into believing in him, for money and fame, and he tore anyone down who would tarnish his reputation. Armstrong makes it very clear that he isn't truly remorseful about his strategy of winning, and will continue to lie and never admit the whole truth.
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Jake B
But, much like our Music, TV and Movie entertainers. Really Justin Bieber and all of those flops that get arrested for public embarrassment and misconduct should all loose their contracts. I think if we discipline anyone it should be them all. Not just a Biker or Cyclist because of his indiscretions but the whole lot of them.I find we REVEERE THOSE DRUGGIES AND DRUNKS. How much can we tolerate? Our so called Role Models. How much are going to tolerate? Where is the line?
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