The Auschwitz Report

2021 • 93 de minute
4 recenzii
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Despre acest film

When two Jews finally manage to escape the Auschwitz concentration camp, they compile a detailed report about the systematic genocide at the camp. However, with Nazi propaganda and international liaisons still in place, their account seems to be too harrowing to believe.

Evaluări și recenzii

4 recenzii
Mix Bouda
30 septembrie 2021
since the movie review won't be accepted on RT, MC, IMDB, or google reviews, I'll post it here; The movie blew hot air, instead of blowing up Auschwitz. I was confused by "The Report". I didn't really enjoy this movie much as it made the point of "obliterating" an internment camp "to smithereens". While the speaker led into the movie that "every day felt like 100 years", the "Day 1 through 11" should've been shorted down to a day or two in efforts to make this movie more tense and believable; I can't really say that a couple of men would survive in a makeshift foxhole without defecating or fighting for food or personality conflicts about destroying the camp, let alone trying to dig their way out sideways in efforts to escape being trapped under more wood. Others, should've tried feeding them while in the foxhole, but it seemed they didn't care for their own men. In the end when they finally met the Red Cross, while 'heroic' is they were trying to appear to be, them begging for the destruction of everyone was pretty genocidal. Seeing a fellow Slovak lady shot in the head because someone from a different barrack wasn't cooperating was ironically a 'buzz-kill' for a Czechoslovakian like myself. The way they simply gave up looking for the missing two and slowly carried the film made it dull at this point. The general had more character development because of the loss of his son and thus ailing wife; as they didn't want to be part of this war or apart. In all, the prisoners of war never revolted, as they kept bragging on about, selfishly leading up to their friend being solely shot when attacking the general. During the questionnaire, I had asked if damaging the supply routes the Red Cross had, would've doomed the internment camp into starvation, and was told "No.", which was the whole point of why the Red Cross was interviewing the two, to see if the supplies ever made it, to which they denied. It doesn't seem much thought was placed into the film to try and make the general a bad person, rather than a prisoner of his own internal war. While I've seen all the Hogan's Heroes episodes, this movie is a far cry from making much sense. I wish we had more time for questions at the end, as others wished to speak. I was going to finally view the rest of the museum this past weekend, but my friend was told not to let me return by disgruntled security. Weird, since I was overly polite and respectful. It was mentioned they would not exempt my medical condition (of being healthy) for not wearing a mask, again. Ouch for second chances.
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Slim Gooddude
30 septembrie 2021
Gripping tale that I never heard of. Who thought that 2 people had escaped ? Very good film !!!
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