The Babadook

2014 • 93 minutu
2730 iritzi
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Film honi buruz

In this terrifying thriller, a mother must protect her son from an evil, supernatural entity that has escaped the pages of a children's book and is lurking in their home.

Balorazioak eta iritziak

2730 iritzi
Jeremy Hoffman
2015(e)ko martxoaren 4(a)
A series of disturbing images are presented with no rhyme or reason. The acting is quite good and the cinematography is interesting and unsettling. But the plot makes no sense. There's symbolism (the demons of grief and stress) but that's not enough to justify the arbitrary horror tropes thrown together. I haven't even seen The Exorcist or The Shining and I still felt like this movie was treading on tired horror tropes. I couldn't relate to the characters because the situation was so unclear.
5 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
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James M.
2014(e)ko abenduaren 24(a)
I like psychological horror movies with slow build ups as well as gory ones, but this movie really wasn't that interesting. They didn't explain why anything was happening the way it was unfolding on screen. I read a review that said the kid looked like he was gonna laugh whenever he was scared and they were exactly right. It was annoying watching the kid because whenever he was scared, he had this weird grin/smile on his face. His scared look was just annoying. Also, without giving anything away, the ending was pretty lame. It doesn't take much to entertain me, but this was pretty boring. Waist of money.
40 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
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SC Marler
2014(e)ko abenduaren 2(a)
This movie had ratings off the charts and I can't figure out why. It's weird, lame and very weak. I have seen ugly carpet that is more scary than the babadook; and as far as the message goes, it's sadly construed and pitifully conveyed. I did not enjoy any bit of this movie and think the critics are on crack. It was rated as high as 98% on Rotten Tomatoes - they must be watching movies looking to get something very different out of the experience than myself.
9 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
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