The Bad Guys

2022 • 100 минут
297 шүүмж
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After a lifetime of pulling legendary heists, five notorious bad guys--Mr. Wolf, Mr. Snake, Mr. Piranha, Mr. Shark and Ms. Tarantula--attempt their most challenging job yet...going good. Nobody has ever failed so hard at trying to be good as The Bad Guys, an all-new animated feature film from DreamWorks Animation.
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297 шүүмж
Lyoko Comic Dubs
2022 оны тавдугаар сарын 18
The Bad Guys is honestly one of the best DreamWorks films I've seen since Megamind or Captain Underpants. This film has a passionate voice and a clear vision that I feel like anyone can enjoy. So when I say that this movie isn't Just for Kids, this can be watched by anyone of all ages. It's amazing how a graphic novel disguised as a kids book can be adapted so well on the big screen made by the vision of Pierre Perifel. Go watch it, it's one of the best animated films of this year. 10/10
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Joey Tran
2022 оны зургаадугаар сарын 21
I had watched this movie twice in theaters because it was just that good. The way big animated movies are being stylized lately with tons of personality really makes a lot of these newer films stand out and I feel like there's just so much humor and charm for adults and children alike, highly recommended for families and animation enthusiasts.
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Viter Nguyen
2022 оны наймдугаар сарын 18
It's a decent kid's movie with decent story, simple characters and solid animation. The main theme (or message) seems to be that it's better to be good than bad and it's never to late to redeem oneself. It's fine as long as you and your kids don't over-analyses it. Other than that I don't think it's 4K, the resolution quality is more like 480p. Decent movie - just don't expect much
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