The Bad News Bears (1976)

1976 • 102 minutu
119 iritzi
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A major surprise as one of 1976's top grossing films. THE BAD NEWS BEARS is a movie about children that is refreshing, utterly believable, and quite cleverly funny. Walter Matthau is at his absolute best as the grumbling beer-guzzling former minor-league pitcher who gets roped into coaching a band of half-pint misfits somewhat loosely called a team. With this bunch in uniform, it's impossible to get caught up in the suburban competitive spirit that drives other adults to extremes of parental dscipline. So, instead, the Bears have a good time.

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119 iritzi
Jeesue Kim
2014(e)ko abenduaren 27(a)
The thing about her manager was that after this film, she lost her friends and also went on to tag McNicholl another child start and just ran her career down the hole. I love this film, at the time watching her I also aced softball and remember hey, I have her to thank to thank for it, her father later for boxing a thug so much larger than me. And that's just O'Neil. Photos of her mom are weird cause whew she just went, and that to me was better than Hustons all dead... yeah. weird. Also stardom from O'Neil. This at the time in 70s were when families all kinda had these problems and we couldn't come out and discuss them and say hey, that's wrong. I remember seeing this and going oh, I guess they all have these problems at home. But nowadays, hitting kids, and using em for some bets and games with no intentions of being with her mom and drunk to boot ... Tatum played it very well, and sadly too that she would settle for that hoping and just for that hope. It's like that in Paper Moon too. And many kids were like that.
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Paul Polito
2015(e)ko urtarrilaren 6(a)
From Rudy Stein to Tanner Boyle. All in all a fantastic movie. Stein is the only pitcher I've ever seen bounce a pitch off home plate for a strike
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Richard Strange
2022(e)ko uztailaren 19(a)
Brings back alot of memories, just received a signed team picture from 1976.
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