The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young

2014年 • 89分
61 件のレビュー


Every year, 40 international runners descend upon a small town in Tennessee to test their mental and physical limits against the Barkley Marathons. Devised as a mockery of James Earl Ray’s historic prison escape gone awry, the race has seen only 10 finishers in its first 25 years. The race’s co-founder Lazarus Lake is as weird, unpredictable and irresistible a character as the idiosyncratic event he has created. With a secret application process, unknown start time, and treacherous terrain, the Barkley has gained cult-like status with ultra-runners and amateurs alike. This award-winning, oddly inspiring, and wildly funny documentary invites you to the sports world’s most guarded secret; where pain has value, failure is spectacular, and it only costs $1.60.


61 件のレビュー
Maayan Irvine
Amazing documentary! funny, intriguing and super entertaining. Even if you are not a runner, makes you think about pushing limits and overcoming challenges. Highly recommended.
Emanuel Diaz
Wow this documentary was awesome. I heard about the film on the embrace running podcast and decided to buy it after watching the trailer. Those men and women are amazing putting their bodies through all that hardship. Even after they tapped out of the race they cotinue supporting their fellow runners. If your into running you should definitely give this documentary a shot.
TJ Dailey
I've run one of Laz's other races, and let me tell you, there is no one else out there that's creates life altering experiences like this man....This film depicts that wonderfully