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The Beyond

2018 • 91 мүнөт
208 сын-пикир
Азырынча кыргыз тилинде коштолгон видео да, коштомо жазуулар да жок. Коштомо жазуулар төмөнкү тилдерде жеткиликтүү: англисче

Бул кино тууралуу

Astronauts modified with advanced robotics are sent through a newly discovered wormhole. When the mission returns unexpectedly, the space agency race to discover what the astronauts encountered on their groundbreaking interstellar journey.

Баалар жана сын-пикирлер

208 сын-пикир
Nhoy Barangay
2018-ж., 13-январь
I hate the "Home Video" style of cinematography on any movie. Lost interest in the first 10 minutes. Ancient Aliens series in History Channel is much more exciting than this. Save your money and avoid this like some plague.
220 адам бул сын-пикирди пайдалуу деп белгиледи
Google колдонуучусу
2018-ж., 9-февраль
It makes you wonder and ponder over the very question of life. Are we, as a specie, worth saving? Those that gave this a one star makes me wonder that if we found earth 2.0, I definitely voting for our specie to go extinct rather than let our specie live and spread like a plague. It also makes me wonder of the story of adam and eve. Maybe, the story is similar in the sense that instead of saving many, they can only save two and they are sent to this earth. Just wondering...
20 адам бул сын-пикирди пайдалуу деп белгиледи
Leo Kapfudzaruwa
2018-ж., 23-январь
I ɛռʝօʏɛɖ tɦɛ ʍօʋɨɛ sօ ɨռtɛʀɛstɨռɢ ҡɛɛք ɨt ʊք
38 адам бул сын-пикирди пайдалуу деп белгиледи