The Bitter Buddha

2013 • 90 minút
4 recenzie
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Tento film

Eddie Pepitone is "The Bitter Buddha", a man at war with himself. This humorous documentary takes an unconventional look at an unconventional man as he struggles with his career, his past and the world around him. Original Animation, stand-up comedy and engaging interviews with Patton Oswalt, Sarah Silverman, Marc Maron and others help us gain insight into the life of a beloved career comedian known as "the guitarist that all the other guitarists go to see." As one of the best-kept secrets in the comedy scene, Pepitone is documented in this unhinged portrait of creativity, enlightenment and rage. Robin Williams claims "Eddie Pepitone is an extraordinary hybrid. The comedic content of George Carlin and the vocal volume of Ethel Merman. Brace yourself."

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4 recenzie
Sneaksby Alfresco
24. januára 2015
As a fan of Pepiton and pretty much everyone that makes an appearance i loved this. The film is a must see for any fans of (what i am going to be pedantic enough to describe as) outsider comedy.
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