The Blair Witch Project

1999年 • 80 分钟
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THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT follows a trio of filmmakers on what should have been a simple walk in the woods but quickly becomes an excursion into heart-stopping terror. As the three become inexplicably lost, morale deteriorates.
Hunger sets in. Accusations fly. As the end of their journey approaches, they realize that what they are filming now is not a legend...but their own descent into unimaginable horror.


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Saw this at the cinema, the best part had to be when an audience member threw popcorn at the screen and declared "this is........", I'll let you fill in the blank. Do not watch this, heavily disappointing to the point you will actually demand the 77 minutes of your life back. As for horror? I find cute little bunnies bouncy around on a grassy hill, to the tune of school kids singing kum-bi-yah much more terrifying!! Don't waste 99p on this and use your 77 minutes more wisely :-)
Michael Hall
When I was about to watch this ever popular film, I was ready for a fright or two. Then it started, and my God was it dull. Intolerably so. The whole film was "found footage", which in my opinion doomed it from the start. Then the scares came in. A pile of sticks were supposed to eternally shock me to the core. Instead? They left me wanting more... This film is a perversion of all that is good. In the end I gave up on the whole film and watched Rosemary's Baby, which is a considerably better film all round.
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Keith Southam (Beefy)
How dare they call this a horror about stupid people running around in the dark in the woods. You see nothing and they dont have any unexpected thrill. Flush this down the toilet would make this obsolete. 100% boring DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS