The Candidate

1972 • 110 minút
33 recenzií
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Tento film

Superstar Robert Redford (Up Close and Personal, Indecent Proposal) stars as a young, aggressive lawyer seduced into a political race against a well-respected incumbent Senator. Trying to do his own thing, he finds it difficult to call his own shots in the face of party efforts to mold him into a winner. Academy Award-winner for Best Screenplay and featuring strong performances by Peter Boyle and Melvyn Douglas. "The best political film ever," praises the National Observer, while Rex Reed declares it "like a string of Fourth of July firecrackers, exploding in joy.... It is clever and riveting and honest."

Hodnotenia a recenzie

33 recenzií
Cory Mulhern
3. apríla 2019
8AM has been the subject for the last few months but the rest is not in a hurry and a little more time for a more than a week of mantra that will help you find the right place for the future to do something about your business experience as a good one of a company and the company will help your customers understand what they want and the way you want it and what you can make with their business as they can and they are able and able and willing and able and able and willing and able and able and
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norman rosen
6. novembra 2014
You want to run for political office? Watch this movie first one of the best movies about how the system works ever made
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