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Being from NYC, they got the train lines incorrect. That line to Cold
Springs would never stop at 86th Street, a Subway stop... Plus during the
shots looking down on the train from above, the river was always on the
incorrect side for that line. Come on, at least do a little research...
Plus no NYC cop would retire after 7 years knowing that they could retire
on a pension after 10... And no colllege in NY is reffered to as "state"
because they are all referred to as SUNY... So if you are from NY and
decide to sit down and watch this for 2 hours, just know you'll be very
frustrated with the inaccuracies in the movie. If you are not from NY, well
you might not find it too bad
28 people found this review helpful

Dave Duffner
The 5 comes from the fact it can keep you on your seat thinking and waiting for what's next. Didn't expect not only the climax, but then the aftermath! So it's a solid 4, beats the crud out of Non-Stop. While that was decent, it seemed implausible too many times. Here anyone could've played Liam's part but he does own the franchise genre for these types of flicks. I'd say this is tops with me of all those over the years. So watch it, it's well worth it! I'm contemplating a second viewing just to fill in bits I missed! Not gore, not language-fests just great action and suspense. Vera plays a solid role up to the very last clip of the flick, reminds me of 8 seconds be more as the evil than the light. WATCH THE CREDITS. SEE IF YOU NOTICE WHAT I DID! NICE TOUCH!
14 people found this review helpful

G Duvall
My wife wanted to see this movie and I sat through it. It was more entertaining than I first thought though it did have some moments that were dragging. A few twists, a few turns and it all wrapped in the end. It was worth a rental but I'm glad I didn't see it in the theater.