The Corndog Man

1999年 • 83 分钟
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The Corndog Man begins as Ace Barker, a redneck boat salesman, receives an anonymous telephone call from a vengeful stranger (The Caller) who claims that he wants to buy a boat from Ace. The Caller doesn't buy the boat, but he keeps calling. Eventually he claims to be Ace's son. The Caller informs Ace that Ace's long-forgotten childhood friend, Haywood, has recently died. Ace asks the police to tap his phone so they can locate and arrest the Caller. The police trace the call, only to find a booby trap awaiting their arrival and no sign of the Caller. The Caller reminds Ace that he and Haywood joined the Army together and that Haywood had 'helped him out,' but that Ace betrayed their friendship. Ace still denies having a son or ever knowing anyone by the name of Haywood. The unrelenting telephone calls begin to push Ace over the edge. In response, Ace retaliates by vandalizing what he believes to be the Caller's home and demolishes the Caller's car. Not to be undone, the Caller takes things a step further when he drills a hole in the bottom of Ace's house boat and sinks it. Homeless and anguished, Ace tries to maintain his work schedule, but the Caller will not leave him alone. Ultimately, the Caller draws Ace further into his dark past by making him relive the time he raped an African-American woman while in the Army and witnessed his white buddies beating up Haywood, who was coming to the woman's defense. The Caller explains that Ace impregnated this young woman and that she died while giving birth to his long lost son -- the Caller. As Ace's memories flood back, his present gets further complicated when the Caller has a package delivered to Ace's boss containing compromising photographs of Ace and his girlfriend. This is finally enough to derive Ace over the edge. The film concludes with a totally insane Ace sleeping on a park bench as the Caller leaves town in Ace's car.


K!ll3r Thr!ll3r
One of the greatest movies of the time, and hugely dismissed and looked over.
Ernie Morales
The Best!
Tisha Thomas
One of the best

