The Covenant

2006年 • 97分
783 件のレビュー


Four teenage warlocks are about to face their greatest challenge as their long-missing fifth descendant has returned to wreak havoc upon those whose ancestors betrayed his family three centuries ago. (Original Title - The Covenant) © 2006 Screen Gems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


783 件のレビュー
Edwin Sternlicht
This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It's incredibly amateurish and clumsy, with a plot that exposits itself interminably yet is somehow never explained. I think it's telling that at least half of the good reviews people have left are just "the guys are hot", usually from a female username; maybe the fact I'm a straight guy is part of why I hated it, but the trailer didn't give me the impression this would happen. The only reason I'd consider watching this again (I stupidly bought the DVD) is that someone pointed out that Sebastian Stan is in it, having not yet become famous as the Winter Soldier. That tempts me to go back and re-view it, but only a little; the memory of how awful the film is carries far more weight.
5 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Shelby Stewart
Okay, here's the deal. Is this movie gonna win any awards for outstanding acting, special effects, or incredible story? No. But is this a film that teeters on low grade young adult novel themed horror and being made for the sole purpose of eye candy and action scenes? Yes. It's not revolutionary by any means but if you're looking for a a film heavily based on the atmosphere of making you wanna curl up with a blanket and snacks while it's raining and watch something with a little magic, a nice looking cast, and not be heavy on the actual horror then this is for you. There's no jump scares, gore, or constant sexual exposure to worry about. There's things that don't really make sense but that's part of what makes this a guilty pleasure film. I honestly feel like the concept for this film would do better as a show. I suggest watching it even if it's for a laugh. Just be cautious if you don't like spiders. So to summarize, 4 stars because it's definitely not "the best" film out there, maybe not even good to some, BUT it's a cozy guilty pleasure with eye candy that you can laugh off.
Jensen Anthony
I've Really Never Been Confident About This Film, So That's Why I Rated With Just 2 Stars! P.D.I Think That Had A Some Certain Screw With The Craft From 1996 🎥 But I Don't Know The Directors & The Cast Or The Storyline Failed Up In Some Many Big Ways For Called It: A Great Warlock/Dark Or Black Magician Film So That's Why!!!!

