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The Danish Girl

2016 • 119 daqiqa
163 ta sharh
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: inglizcha.

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Academy Award-winner Eddie Redmayne and Alicia Vikander star in this remarkable love story inspired by true events from Oscar-winning director Tom Hooper. When Gerda (Vikander) asks her husband Einar Wegener (Redmayne) to fill in as a portrait model, Einar’s long-repressed feelings surface and she begins living her life as a woman. Embarking on a groundbreaking journey that’s only made possible by the unconditional love of her wife, Einar fights to become the person she’s meant to be, transgender pioneer Lili Elbe. (Original Title - The Danish Girl) - 2015 Focus Features. All Rights Reserved.
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163 ta sharh
Dan Cross
11-iyun, 2016
An incredibly flawed film and the only thing that stops it from getting one star is Alicia Vikander's performance. Everything else is either bad or irritating: Eddie Redmayne seems to be in Oscar-bait mode, you never get a sense of the internal struggle Lili must have endured... Just save your money and wait for it to appear on TV.
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Bels S
3-yanvar, 2017
Repetitive and slow. Lili spends the whole movie looking at the floor and making her hands flutter, and Gerda spends the rest of time eyes welling up. As they rewrote a lot of what actually happened they should have injected some life into it. Incredible shame, this could have been so much more.
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Andrew Gallagher
8-may, 2016
This film would have been a hundred times better if Eddie Izzard or Grayson Perry played the lead. He should have showed more 'five o' clock shadow' to make the man dressing up as woman scenes more effective and realistic.
5 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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