Temný Rytíř Povstal

2012 • 164 minút
203 recenzií
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Tento film

Je to už osm let, co se Batman vytratil do temné noci a proměnil se z hrdiny ve štvance. Tím, že na sebe převzal vinu za smrt prokurátora Harveyho Denta, Temný rytíř obětoval vše, o co s komisařem Gordonem bojovali. Nějakou dobu ta lež fungovala a zločin byl potlačen pod tíhou Dentova zákona. Avšak z příchodem kočičího zloděje, který má nejasné motivy, se vše mění. Mnohem nebezpečnější je však zjevení Banea, maskovaného teroristy, jehož nemilosrdné plány s Gothamem přivedou Bruce zpět z dobrovolného exilu. Avšak i se svou kápí Batman nemusí tentokrát na Banea stačit.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

203 recenzií
Matt Bittner
5. septembra 2020
Such a huge let-down ☹️ BRUCE WAYNE / BATMAN / CHRISTIAN BALE & SELINA KYLE / CATWOMAN / ANN HATHAWAY both deliver extremely excellent performances (especially ANN, - her character is written so well). But the rest of the film is total trash. GORDON & ALFRED's stories are nothing like in the real DC BATMAN. Also, ROBIN's story is better in BATMAN FOREVER than in this junk. WHAT?!!! I love the NOLAN bros & team - all their other stuff, but this, no! BATMAN BEGINS & DARK KNIGHT are both masterful!
22 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
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Sam Galloway
13. apríla 2020
This movie sucks for so many reasons. There are tons and tons of plot holes, the acting is bad, and nobody seemed to care about making it. Bane talks like a Scooby Doo villain, Bruce magically appears in Gotham again, Robin talks to Bruce for like two seconds and somehow realizes he's Batman, Robin was also just crammed into a movie that already had way too much crammed into it and he shouldn't have been like that at all nor should his name have been what it was. It's pure trash.
17 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
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Ruben Rivera Rivera
3. júla 2022
A Terrible final installment of Christopher Nolans batman trilogy theres too many plot holes that ruins the movie and the notable absence of Robin throughout the two previous films only to introduce him at the last installment and not take up the identity of the boy wonder why do that? It just doesn't work out without Batmans iconic sidekick and he's not even based on any other Robins like Jason Todd or dick Grayson, and just baffling that half of batmans Rogues gallery is Notably missing
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